This is a farewell message to 2020, the most challenging and fantastic year I have had yet, and a welcome note to 2021.
Indeed 2020 will be gone soon but will never be forgotten to me.
I am thrilled for all the challenges the year came with, globally and locally this was the most challenging year for businesses across all sectors, yet it was my best year yet ever. I dared to confront most of my fears, I won some battles and I had fun but most of it all these are the things I was most grateful for;
- I was super grateful for the gift of life and the awesome protection under the “Nyame Dua” he gave to my family, friends, teammates, and anyone who matters in my life.
- I have always known deep down me I loved to share knowledge [teach], I guess I get it from my Dad who taught most of his life, and 2020 gave me that opportunity. I successfully facilitated three [3] training section on digital skills, I facilitated a section on building a website with WordPress with Mobile Library, I shared my knowledge on how to become a Graphic Designer in Ghana with Createve Ghana and I trained some staff of United Nations Population Fund [UNFPA] on how to visualize data using Abobe Illustrator.
- Having my own space as a young man was one of my dreams, I mean I have never had a room to myself, either shared with a cousin, sister, or roommates. During the pandemic, I successfully moved to my own space here in Accra and I am gradually designing it into space I will just not live in but a space to motivate me to get work done.
- In 2018 and 2019 I begun developing my video shooting and editing skills at work [Citi FM & Citi TV] and in the just ended 2020, I completed over 40+ video projects, most of them were shooting and editing of interviews, some creative audiograms, some videocast, as a person who began my career as a Graphic Designer this is a remarkable height.
You can find most of the videos on this YouTube channel [] and here [] you will find the most challenging videocast I shoot and edited with help from CNR Digital.
- In 2020 my love to use the camera grew this time concerning photography, I must say I covered a lot of events instills than I have ever done in a single year, I loved to hear my Editor say “you have to go and get us pictures”. And on every roadshow with the Citi Sports team I enjoyed to capture every moment; lastly my growing interest in Sports Photography wasn’t left behind, I covered a Black Stars game and number of GPL games.
- I managed several web design-related projects, most of them very challenging to meet deadlines, and a site I work on got approved onto Google’s Adsense program. I was grateful for having to opportunity to handle web projects for such brands.
- In 2020 I cast my vote for the first time as a citizen of Ghana and after which I helped cover the election with Infographics [Data Visualization] at Citi FM and Citi TV at the national level, it was an experience worth living and we did great together with the relevant team, breaking down the information into visuals for our audience[You].
- In 2020 I was loved by almost everyone I worked with, worked for, and met, I also made several new friends on the touchline of GPL games, at training gigs, at work, at events I covered and it goes on and on.
- In 2020 I worked on many Data visualization [Infographic] projects at work for the mainline CNR brand and also for Citi Sports, and freelance clients at I loved every moment I monitored online to see how people interact with my work [Infographics].
- In 2020 I invested in a podcast recording kit, right after school in 2018 this has been one of my dreams to own my recording kit and 2020 gave it to me.
- Back in school together with my friends who are now partners we started a radio show “Young and Ambitious Show” and after school, we have developed into a new media brand, Young and Ambitious Life [] focused on creating content to fuel the next generation of Africans to challenge the status quo and revolutionize the world and we move a step forward with it in 2020 tho it was very challenging.
- I must say this is the year I truly have became Yaw Antwi Owusu, I haven’t fully ticked all the boxes though but I can say “mmere a dane” I have started something great in my career and personal life and I am going to work better and smarter, even more, this year especially at Citi FM & Citi TV and at
God bless everyone who contributed to making my 2020 great directly and indirectly I am most grateful.
In the new year 2021, with the experience from the training sections I was a facilitator I am starting a digital skills training service via where individuals and business who are seeking growth can hire me to train their staff or themselves on Digital skill for the future, as I have my podcast recording kit now, yes I will be launching my podcast soon but on what will it cover? Content Design, Digital skills for the future, or will it be Tech? I guess we will wait and see.
Also, I am gonna keep up with my video projects and videocast for CitiTube up at least shoot and edit more interviews or tell more stories through videocasts. More design and infographics will be completed and more events will be covered.
Happy New Year in advance everyone this has been the true Yaw Antwi Owusu over and out.